Kaizen > Add > Set Up Tab

Things you can do on this screen ....

  • Set up the basic information about your Kaizen

  • Archive Your Kaizen

  • Delete Your Kaizen


Kaizen Overview Tab by Tab Watch a Video Completing the Set Up Tab Watch a Video About Archiving Kaizens   What is a Kaizen?


Set Up Fields


Kaizen Name


This will appear on find screens, email alerts and any report that includes this Kaizen.




The location of your Kaizen.

Did you know you can start typing in the drop down field to limit the list?


Start and End Dates


Start and end dates trigger alerts, set due dates for default tasks and more.


Changing a start or end date will automatically update any triggers.

This is a customizable field

Primary and Additional Types


Kaizen type is an important field when you are running reports. Default tasks can also be set up specific to each Kaizen type.

This is a customizable field



Choose the appropriate currency for your Kaizen scorecard savings

This is a customizable field



Update the status of your event appropriately


Hiding your Kaizen


Kaizens can be hidden from all views, to be seen ONLY by those named on the team tab or with administrative view rights.


Virtual or In Person Event


This setting will also show on the find Kaizen screen and is helpful information for people who may want to register for your event

More about Setting up Kaizen registrations , and Watch a Video How to register for a Kaizen

This is a customizable field



Your organization may have created additional categories to track and report on Kaizens

This is a customizable field

Additional Charter Information


This area contains the additional information regarding your Kaizen event. This area is configurable to capture the Charter information your organization requires.


Archiving Your Kaizen


Archiving a Kaizen will remove it from the main views, unless you choose "Include Archive" or "Only Archive" in your query criteria.


Archiving Kaizens will also stop any alerts regarding incomplete tasks.


Watch a Video Video help for archiving a Kaizen Additional details regarding archiving a Kaizen


About Deleting Your Kaizen


You can delete your Kaizen by clicking on the Delete button. Alerts will be sent to any participants letting them know the Kaizen has been deleted


More About Kaizen Specific Alerts






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