Kaizen Notifications Explainer

Below are the AUTOMATIC emails that are generated to users related to Kaizen activity




To Whom

What’s included

Kaizen Announcement

When the kaizen administrator elects to send invitation email.  Learn More

To the specific person who has been added and toggled in the team tab.

Name, location, and dates of Kaizen. Users’ role, and any charter information that has been completed.

Kaizen Deleted

When a Kaizen has been deleted

Any user who was added to the Kaizen team tab

Name, location, and dates of Kaizen.

Kaizen Objective Assigned

When a user is assigned to a specific objective via the objective details

The user assigned

Name, location, and dates of Kaizen. The metric assigned. A notation that they may receive further reminders if sustainment checks have been set.

Kaizen Registration Request

When a user clicks on the open seat icon and submits a request to join.

The user listed as “Administrator” on the Kaizen Event.

Name, location and dates of Kaizen – name of user requesting an open seat.

Kaizen Is Upcoming

Five days prior to the event start date

Any user who is added to the Kaizen Team Tab

Name, location, and dates of Kaizen. Users’ role, and all charter information that has been input.

Kaizen Participant Removed

If a user is removed from a Kaizen via the team tab.

The user who was removed.

Name, location, and dates of Kaizen. Users’ role

Weekly Task Update

Once weekly

Any user who has tasks assigned to them as part of a Kaizen

A grid of tasks, including items assigned in last seven days, late items and all items in process. Completed items are NOT included.



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