Archiving Kaizens

Archiving Kaizens is a great way to clean up the list of Kaizens to exclude older events, or to put a Kaizen that is 'on hold' in a stasis mode to stop task due alerts.


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From the Kaizen Set Up Tab

Click the "Archive" button


By doing so the following happens:


- The Kaizen will no longer be visable on the MyKaizens or Find Kaizens screen unless you choose to "Include" or "Show Only" Archived items.


- Kaizens will not be inlcluded in any queries you have created UNLESS you adjust the query to "Include" or "Show Only" Archived Items.


- Task alerts will be stopped for Kaizens that are archived regardless of due date or % complete.


Video Help


The Archive button will now show "Restore From Archive"


The archive icon will appear next to the Kaizen Name


Finding Archived Kaizens


When searching for archived items, be sure to click "Include Archived..." Or "Archived Only..." on the query set up





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