Action Plans - Move or Copy

The move/copy option allows the user to move or copy an action plan in its entirety or particular folders to another action plan. Uses of this functionality:









Note: If you are moving or copying an action plan, be sure the destination action plan has already been created and make a note of the action plan name!



Navigate to the action plan that contains the tasks you want to move or copy and click on the Move/Copy tab


Note: The copy function allows you to select the FOLDERS, with our without tasks that you wish to copy


1. Choose Move or Copy


2. Choose the Folder(s) you wish to move or copy


3. If you selected Copy - choose the level of detail to copy. NOTE: If you chose move, this section will be disabled as all items will be moved.


4. Choose the destination Action Plan(s) - be sure to click ADD after you select!


5. All set? Click to make the move/copy





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